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About ZoneLoans Racing
ZoneLoans.com is the place to go to get any type of loan at the best rate—FAST! We work hard at making getting a loan easy! Complete one simple application form and loan offers come pouring in! Then you choose the one that’s best for you.

ZoneLoans.com will be on the track with BAM Racing in 2007! We appreciate our fans and promise we’ll work hard to get you the best loan possible should you honor us with your trust!

NASCAR Sprint Cup was an obvious choice for ZoneLoans.com because of its expansive popularity and its unprecedented connection with its fans. And determining which team to associate with was equally as obvious because even as a rising star in the Sprint Cup Series BAM Racing exhibits a deep understanding of what both their sponsors and their fans need! Since the objective was to solidify a long-term relationship with a team with a bright future, it was easy to determine that BAM Racing was that team. ZoneLoans.com looks forward to a long and successful relationship with BAM Racing and their tremendous fans!
About BAM Racing
BAM Racing BAM Racing, currently in its seventh year of NASCAR Sprint Cup competition, is owned by Beth Ann and Tony Morgenthau, successful investors from Coral Gables, Fla. Ms. Morgenthau, whose initials make up the name of the team, is the only female car owner in NASCAR to become involved in the sport without prior family connections.

With a technologically advanced race shop in Huntersville, N.C., the Morgenthaus have a fleet of Dodge-supported racecars backed by the horsepower of Evernham Engines.

They have assembled a top-notch team with competitive equipment at a time when some BAM Racingof the sport’s most decorated teams are ceasing operations, BAM Racing continues to strive forward and reach its goals. Aware of the pressures facing single-car teams in the sport, the Morgenthau’s are not intimidated by the challenges that may lie ahead and are confident that BAM Racing’s seventh season in NASCAR racing will be its most triumphant.

Visit the BAM Racing Website >
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